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Зустрітися з Радою

Благодійною організацією місіс Мейбл Люк керує довірена компанія Mabel Luke Trustee Limited, компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю, зареєстрована в Companies House під реєстраційним номером 10241286. Ми хотіли б, щоб ви познайомилися з членами правління, відповідальними за роботу Благодійної організації. місіс Мейбл Люк. Якщо ви бажаєте зв’язатися з будь-яким із членів правління або якщо ви зацікавлені допомогти благодійній організації забезпечити якісне доступне житло, будь ласка, скористайтеся нашимконтакти сторінки. Будь ласка, озаглавте свій запит «голова правління ФАО».

Chair of the Board


John trained as an accountant but his career has been focused on social housing and care homes. He has substantial Board experience.



Ed is a Chartered Building Surveyor and Director of an architectural and surveying business, based in Reading. Ed lives in Newbury. Ed has an interest in all types of property and construction, particularly historic buildings



Professional Career in IT within the NHS and Healthcare. Jamie has extensive technical, strategic and leadership experience within his field.



Angela's HR career has been in the pharmaceutical industry. Since retiring she has had various voluntary roles including working for Citizen’s Advice and as a school governor.



Pat’s long career was in housing and care services for residents of all ages. Now retired, her broad management experience helps provide good quality housing for local people.

Clerk to the Charity


Our sole employee, who handles all the Charity’s day-to-day administration and acts as the primary contact for residents and third parties.



Kate works supporting people, after being made redundant, to secure a new role. She has managed the renting out of homes and been a member of local boards in the Newbury area for many years.



A Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer specialising in procurement during 12 years with Hampshire CC’s Construction and Property Department, retiring in 2019. A Thatcham resident for 35 years.

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